New Wright City superintendent returns home

By Kelly Bowen, Staff Writer
Posted 7/18/24

The Wright City R-II School District recently welcomed back alum Dr. Amy Salvo as the new superintendent. Salvo was a 1998 Wright City graduate and made her return on July 1. 

Salvo has …

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New Wright City superintendent returns home


The Wright City R-II School District recently welcomed back alum Dr. Amy Salvo as the new superintendent. Salvo was a 1998 Wright City graduate and made her return on July 1. 

Salvo has over 20 years of experience in education. She started off her career as a special education teacher at Wright City Middle School, with a goal of wanting to make a return one day.

In addition, Salvo worked in the Lincoln County R-III School District for 13 years. In her time there, she was a principal, associate principal and director of social, emotional learning and support. At the Francis Howell School District, she was the deputy superintendent and also worked as an adjunct instructor at Missouri Baptist University. 

“Wright City is my home and I want to serve and give back to such a great community,” Salvo said. “I’m very proud to be back and it’s a wonderful, special place.” 

During her time at Wright City as a young teenager, Salvo was always a leader. She was the captain of the cheerleading squad, secretary of student council, class president and member of SADD (Students Against Drunk Driving). 

“I always say it was one of the best experiences,” Salvo said. “Being at Wright City, there’s something special about a smaller school district. You get to know your classmates so well and you get to be involved.” 

After Wright City, Salvo attended Maryville University and earned her bachelor’s in psychology and sociology. At Missouri Baptist University, she earned two master's degrees in classroom teaching and educational leadership. Then, at Maryville University, Salvo earned her doctorate in educational leadership. 

“Psychology and sociology is a passion of mine. I love school and I love to learn, so I always knew I would just keep going, not knowing where I might end up, but I knew I wanted to serve students and families.” 

In her career, Salvo has accomplished many things. When she worked at Troy Middle School, it was the largest middle school in the state that had two schools under one roof. She was a part of a team to help divide the school physically. 

Salvo also helped double the number of students at New Horizons High School with little to no cost to the district. 

“That’s something that’s near and dear to my heart,” Salvo said. “And that’s what we’re here for is serving students and seeing them succeed.” 

Now that she has made her return to Wright City, Salvo is currently focusing on a few top priorities of hers. Those include listening and learning to all stakeholders, maintaining transparent communication at all levels, continuing to grow academics and supporting teachers. 

“I look forward to building relationships with everybody at all levels, whether it’s community, it’s internal, it’s our parents, it’s our food service staff,” Salvo said. “Anybody that has a connection to our kids, I want to build a relationship with them because I want to know how I can support them.” 

Salvo will be working closely with Holly Broadway-Yates, assistant superintendent who also started on July 1. Both of them worked at Francis Howell and know each other from their time there. 

“The impact she had at Francis Howell was tremendous, so it’s great to have her here in the district to partner with,” Salvo said. 

Much like Yates, Salvo wants to make an impact on the kids and provide support. 

“I want to make sure that we’re there for them, because that’s why we’re here. Whenever I make decisions, I think about the students in the seats and I think about the impact of the teachers that do the work day in and day out,” Salvo said. “I just want to make a difference.”  
