
DARE TO EXCEL: Izabelle Campbell

By Kelly Bowen, Staff Writer
Posted 10/11/24

Wright City senior Izabelle Campbell is constantly busy running the class of 2025 as their president, leading projects in FBLA, starting fundraisers and more.

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DARE TO EXCEL: Izabelle Campbell


Wright City senior Izabelle Campbell is constantly busy between running the class of 2025 as their president to leading projects in FBLA to starting fundraisers and more. While Campbell stays busy and her accomplishments are endless, it all goes back to one thing: she wants to help people. Campbell’s passion for helping others has guided her to pursue a career as an LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor). 

What are your plans after graduation?

“I just got my acceptance letter last week to the University of Iowa. I really want to go there and that is the goal. I would major in counseling and behavioral science, or counseling and family services, something like that.”

When did you decide you want to be a counselor?

“This year, I started going to therapy and I really liked how that worked. I also really got close to my school counselor, Ms. Jackson. She helps with everything in the world and I’ll come to her with every single problem. So, seeing her and also my therapist and how much they’ve helped me and how much I want to help someone. That’s why I went to HOSA, because I thought that could be my field, but I don’t do gore or blood…I want to help someone, but I didn’t know how to do that and then I found therapy.” 

What made you want to be in student government?

“We didn’t have the best leadership and we didn’t have any money in our account, so I decided to make a fundraiser with one of my friends. We held trivia in the cafeteria and after that, I was like okay, I love this. So, that was junior class president and then I did the trivia again. Then, my senior year, I had success and I loved doing it and running here isn’t as big of a deal. It’s kind of like, you put your hand down and see if you get it.”

What have you done as president?

“I plan prom, we raised $1,500 two years in a row with trivia. I’ve helped with being kind of the liaison for all the clubs, since I’m in so many of them. I tie in all the clubs and make them all work together rather than be individual. For student council, definitely raising the money and holding prom. We had the most money a class has had since COVID, so we really set the tone for fundraising because that was the one thing we focused on.” 

How do you find a balance between all the clubs that you’re in?

“It was really hard because last year, I was a part of every single club you can think of and then I had school and service opportunities. Because this year, the Presidential Award which is where you get 100 service hours and then you get a medal to wear at graduation and the President signs it off. Balancing all that was really hard and some clubs kind of fell off, because I couldn’t give them my 100%. I think just being able to schedule and saying okay, this day, you’re focusing on this club. I don’t know if I really fully achieved it, but I’m still trying.”

How many hours have you completed for the Presidential Award?

“I think I’m at 40, 45.”

Do you like being in those leadership positions?

“Yeah, I think I strive in leadership roles and I love helping out people. I feel like everyone does leadership differently. I just like to be there to help other people. I’d rather sit in the back and let everyone else shine. I don’t need an award to make me feel happy. I want to see everyone else succeed first. That makes me feel better. I just like being proud of everyone else.”

High School Activities: Class President, FBLA, Key Club, HOSA, NHS, StuCo, team member and ED Rising. 

If you could go one place in the world, where would it be: Paris

Dogs or cats: Dogs

What would your last meal be: Dr. Pepper and fettuccine alfredo 

Favorite club: Student Council and FBLA 

Favorite season: Winter or Fall

Dare To Excel, Wright City R-II
